Last Visited: 08/03/2010
Length (km): 2.5 km
Time (hrs/min): 1 hour
Grade: Easy
Return / Circuit / One-Way / Partial Circuit: Circuit
Region: Melbourne
Park: Yarra Ranges National Park
Closest Town: Healesville
Maximum Elevation: approx. 368 m (according to
Total Ascent: approx. 99 m (according to
Car Access: Badger Weir Picnic Ground is signed from the main street of Healesville (when entering from the Melbourne side). The easiest thing to do is follow the signs. Once at the picnic ground, you can park anywhere you like – I parked in the last car park.


The walk starts opposite the first toilet block, on the northern side of the picnic ground. Cross the bridge and head up the hill, turning left at the first intersection (onto Slip Track). From here, follow the signs to Badger Weir. This section is not exactly as it appears on the map, as there are a couple of well signed turn-offs.

There are only two tracks leaving the weir and you can take either of them, as they meet up not far away. I would suggest taking the lower track (ie. not up the stairs). Follow Aqueduct track up until a right-turn onto Coranderrk Track. Look out for a left turn onto Stringybark Track, which will take you back to the car park. All tracks are well signed.

The weir is hardly the highlight of this walk, as parts of it follow a beautiful fern gully alongside a nice little creek. The less interesting part of the walk is the section along Aqueduct Track, where the forest is drier and not as dense.

I spotted a Lyrebird on Stringybark Track. It didn’t seem to be as shy as they usually are but I still couldn’t get a photo. Watch out for leeches… They are definitely less shy! I was pulling them off my legs every few hundred metres.

Badger Weir Circuit - Yarra Ranges National Park - Healesville - Victoria
Aqueduct Track


Have you visited Badger Weir? If you have any stories, updates or corrections, please let us know by commenting below.