Over the last 3 years, I’ve been working on co-authoring a hiking guidebook for the Great Ocean Road. Now it’s finally available for purchase.
Since I love you guys, I’ll level with you and tell you that the official release date was actually November 28th. However, I haven’t laid my hands on a copy of it myself until today. Some of you have already bought it elsewhere, and words can’t express how grateful I am that you were so keen. I really hope it lives up to your expectations.

I don’t want you to buy it elsewhere, though, ideally. I want you to buy it from me because, to be honest, that means writing the thing will be far more worthwhile (as far as royalties go) for me.

Great Ocean Road Walking guide book now available

An anchor from Marie Gabrielle (1869), found along the Moonlight Head & The Shipwrecks walk.

So what’s it all about and who’s it for? Well, I know lots of you are hardcore and don’t get much joy from anything less than a multi-day hike. If that’s you, this is not the book for you. Go do the Great Ocean Walk. I promise you’ll love it.

For everyone else, this might be your ideal guide book. Visitor’s Guide to the Best Walks of The Great Ocean Road features 25 walks between Torquay and The Twelve Apostles that Julie Mundy (my co-author), and I have deemed to be the best representation of the walking trails along the popular tourist route.

It’s perfect for anyone who’s happy to walk for anywhere between an hour and a day, if it means seeing something they can’t see from their car.
You might be doing a Great Ocean Road trip with your kids, unfit or older relatives, or you just don’t care about times and distances but you want to explore the Great Ocean Road region on foot. Buy Visitors Guide to the Best Walks of the Great Ocean Road and use it to guide your trip. You won’t regret it.
Great Ocean Road Walking guide book now available

Descending to the coastline on the Aire River to Castle Cove walk

Got any feedback? Questions? Want to tell me the hiking trails we’ve missed that we absolutely should not have missed? Leave a comment below.