Date of Walk: 25/01/2009
Length (km): Unknown (I’m fairly sure there was a sign at the carpark saying the length but I can’t remember what it said… My estimate would be 600 metres return)
Time (hrs/min): 30 min
Grade: Easy
Return / Circuit / One-Way / Partial Circuit: Return
Region: North-East Victoria
Park: Alpine National Park
Closest Town: Cheshunt
Ascent: Unknown
Maximum Height: Unknown
Map: None Available (I wasn’t able to find one via Parks Victoria or DSE and copyright prevents me from providing any others – However, a map is not necessary as it will be easy to follow the track with my notes or the Northern Walks map I’ve mentioned below)
Further Details / Source(s): ParkWeb Park Note: Alpine National Park – Valleys and Bluffs – Car tours and walks around Wabonga Plateau, Mt Cobbler and Powers Lookout
Getting There: Download the Park Note above and the use the map to find Paradise Falls via Whitfield or Cheshunt.
Comments: We were very disapointed to see that the falls were barely flowing, having been sure that there would be something after the big storm two days earlier. Although we could hear the water falling, I was unable to see it without binoculars! I last visited this spot in my teens and remember it being amazing so I’m sure it’s still worth a visit after rain. Even without the water this is a very nice spot.
The track used to continue right to the falls and even underneath them but it now stops at a lookout, some distance from the falls. This wouldn’t stop me from visiting again.
This is another one to do for the destination rather than the walk (sorry about the photos – they don’t really reflect how nice the place is!). It was a bit of a challenge after the big night we’d had before but it’s only worth doing if you’re in the area.

Part of the track

Best photo I could get of the falls (trickles?)
Have you visited Paradise Falls? If you have any stories, updates or corrections, please let us know by commenting below.
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Hi Neil
Hi A&B
Look just wanted to add to my previous comment and the recent additions by A&B. I wanted to say that the falls “trickle” or not is still a great spot for a bushwalk. Highlights of my trip were the cobbled paths, the magnificent views, some of the locals we bumped into, these were simple people and simply Australian. From the “adventurous elderly couple” to the hunter gathers in Hi Vis apparel and of course the elderly lady on the Ride on….fun times!!! Another highlight for me was the visit to the outdoor dunny. I don’t know why this comes to mind? I guess it’s just that there is just something so quintessentially Australian and blokey about doing ones or twoseys into a gigantic hole and then walking out with the feeling that you may have a splinter in your backside? Outdoor dunnies got to love me!!!
The 'elderly couple' tried to climb up the waterfall? Haha wasn't expecting that… Thanks for the comments A & B!
Hi Neil
In a recent endeavor to the Falls in question, I too was merely whelmed by the trickle of water from the hill. Thankfully, the savior of the day was the stimulating conversation provided by my guest and the adventurous elderly couple leading the way down the bluestone path. This elderly couple showed promise in exploration by attempting to climb up the “waterfall”. All in all the cold shepherds pie and cheeses from the Miliwa Cheese Factory were highlights of the day – you must agree BJE.
I suggest any future adventurers to the “fall” to dim their expectations and except the mere trickle as a reality of Paradise Falls, or perhaps more appropriately referred to as Paradise Trickle.
Signing off…
A & B
I wasn't trying to put anyone off (maybe I need to re-write this one!). I grew up in Wangaratta so I guess I was a bit dissapointed myself, having been there before to see it really flowing.
Thanks for the comment!
I was on a weekend away in benalla recently and my local host suggested we head out to paridise falls for the afternoon. I had impressions of gushing waterfalls reached only after a long and winding journey through a forest of thick ucalyptus and fern.
However when we got there I found the walk to be a mear 500 meter jaunt down a narrow bluestone staircase to a trickle comming off a hill.
All in all the "falls" weren't all they cracked up to be but if you are thinking of going don't let this blog stop you. Yes the walk was short and didn't do enough to work off my cold sheppards pie and Big M, but it has some great views and there are plenty of other things to tickle you fancy in the area. Local pubs, farmers markets, the miliwa cheese factory and various winerys to name but a few.
Overall I was sufficiantly whelmed by my day out it wasn't great but it wasn't completly wasted either. On a scale of 4-9 ide give it about 6.67
No worries… Glad people are reading!
I think I´ll be heading up that way again this summer so will go and see if it´s flowing if I can.
Does look a lot like a walk I just went on. Linda gave me a heads up to check out this post . Thanks
That is a shame you can't go down to the bottom, which I have done several times.
I'd say it was more a seasonal thing, more than just rain, not sure. It is like a wind blown shower sometimes, very interesting.
There is also a little falls. This one is the big falls. It is like a sound shell down there.