Date of Walk: 21/12/2008
Length (km): 1 km
Time (hrs/min): 25-30 min (including time for photos) – I can’t be sure though, since I ventured beyond Granya falls
Grade: Easy
Return / Circuit / One-Way / Partial Circuit: Return
Region: North East Victoria
Park: Mount Granya State Park
Closest Town: Granya
Ascent: Unknown
Maximum Height: Unknown
Map: Highlighted extract from ParkWeb Park Note (Mount Granya State Park)
Further Details / Source(s): ParkWeb Park Note: Mount Granya State Park

Getting There: From the Murray Valley Highway, turn north into Murray River Road (not far past Tallangatta). Just as you enter the town of Granya there is a road to the left called Webbs Lane (I think it was also marked with a sign to Cottontree Creek). On Webbs Lane there is an unclear intersection (not marked on the map in the Park Note), where you need to head to the right.

Comments: Since I was in the area, I decided to have a go at the (11.5km return) Georges Walking Track but once I got beyond Granya Falls I realised it wasn’t going to be the type of walk I was looking for. There were red markers on the trees going up the hill from the Falls but I lost them (and the track) a few times so I turned back, having realised that it wasn’t a walk I should be attempting with my lack of experience and no company (not to mention no compass or even a decent map).

Since I at least made it to Granya Falls unscathed, I thought I’d post this short walk here anyway (if only as a record that I’ve done it). I don’t want to post any walks I haven’t actually completed myself so I’ll let someone else provide full information for the Georges Walking Track.
The walk is from the Cottontree Creek picnic/camping area which will be easy to find with the maps in the Park Notes. Once in the picnic/camping area, follow the 4WD track up the hill and veer right, through a gate (rather than heading left to the toilets). The track is easy from here.

When I got to the falls I could see only a trickle of water flowing down a couple of the huge boulders but could hear that there was a decent flow in amongst them. However, the surroundings and the view from the falls were fantastic and so different from all of the places I’ve visited closer to Melbourne.

Granya Falls - Mount Granya State Park – Granya – VictoriaTrack to Granya Falls

Granya Falls - Mount Granya State Park – Granya – VictoriaScout Hut (built 1937)

Granya Falls - Mount Granya State Park – Granya – VictoriaView from Granya Falls